The Wonderful Women of Sisterhood
We invite you to join the Sisterhood of Congregation B'nai Moshe and become part of a friendly, diverse, and caring community of women. We offer a number of opportunities to socialize, celebrate and worship together, and to contribute to the well-being of our congregation and community.
Sisterhood is the right arm of B'nai Moshe. We are involved mostly behind the scenes to ensure our synagogue's needs are met. As a Sisterhood member, there are many opportunities to involve yourself in B'nai Moshe life: Shabbat kiddush cooks, shoppers and servers, yoga & yogurt exercise, rummage sale, classes, community out-reach programs, discussions and presentations of community speakers, plus religious and secular events to name a few. Our one desire is to help make our B'nai Moshe activities as successful as possible. We pride ourselves in doing the best job possible both collectively and individually.
Our desire is to have all B'nai Moshe women belong to Sisterhood. The more ladies we have, the more we can do to ensure our synagogue's success. And with many hands doing the work, the labor does not fall on a few good-hearted sisters, rather, the work is spread among many. The sisterhood members of B'nai Moshe are kind, loving, smart, caring women who are willing to do what it takes to get the job done. When you join Sisterhood, you are giving yourself a lasting gift of like-minded, wonderful friends.
Michele Siegal, President
Sisterhood Facebook Page: Click Here
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