Executive Director
Steven J. Fine ( Steve became Executive Director in 2014 after 9 years spent as the head of Member Relations and Financial Administrator of Temple Israel, in West Bloomfield. Steve has been a member of B’nai Moshe since 1986 and served on many committees over the years including 20+ years on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Steve brings a strong financial and creative background to the position and a penchant for problem solving and customer service. “After 113 years in metro-Detroit there is still room for B’nai Moshe to grow and flourish for our families, friends and the community at large. I have always felt welcomed and at home at B’nai Moshe and want everyone to experience all that I have here.” Steve is also B’nai Moshe’s shofar blower on the High Holy Days. He explains that both the Executive Director position and Shofar blower have some of the same attributes. Funny guy, that Steve.
You will always notice change when Steve is around as he is very creative and believes that if you are not getting better, you are getting worse. Stop in and talk to Steve. You’ll get caught up in his passion for B’nai Moshe.
Administrative Assistant: Jennifer V. Kurland (
Secretary: Frayda Riger (
Bookkeeper: Emily Ostrovsky (
Building Manager: Michael Traylor
Custodian: Denise Howell